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QPA Pupil Premium Strategy


The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. In 2011-2012 schools and academies were allocated Pupil Premium funding for children from low-income families who were eligible for Free School Meals or who had been Looked After for more that six months. 

Eligibility for Pupil Premium for 2012-2013 was extended to pupils who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 Free School Meals measure).

At Queensmead Primary Academy, Pupil Premium funding is carefully targeted at the designated children and we are able to clearly identify how the money has been spent and how it will be used in the future.

Pupil Premium Overview

Queensmead Primary Academy serves an area of high deprivation and significant poverty and social challenge. We work tirelessly to support pupils and parents in striving to ensure that all pupils get the best possible deal and educational support/challenge whilst at our Academy.

Pupil Premium Funding is a crucial element of our core teaching and learning offer - being used smartly and effectively to maximise teacher-led core teaching and precise interventions for those pupils who need it the most. Our policy statement gives a flavour of the approach we take.

To view our Pupil Premium Policy please click here