Through consultation with the Class Teacher, SENDco and SLT, it may be decided to use an intervention to support a pupil in their learning.
Interventions are usually short, targetted and bespoke to the needs of the pupil. Interventions are monitored to ensure they are effective and will be reviewed at the end of the sessions.
Some interventions are only offered in certain year groups, other interventions run across a wide range of ages.
Examples of interventions at Queensmead Primary Academy are:
Reading: Inference training, Lexia, Little Wandle Rapid catch-Up
Writing: Pre-teach, Touch typing, TRUGS, Precision teaching
Maths: Pre-teach, Mastering Number, TTRS and Numbots
SEMH: Let's talk, Funtime, Sensory Circuits, Sunshine Circle
Communications: Colourful Semantics, Meet and Greet, ELKLAN Speech and Language
Specialist: Drawing and Talking therapy, counselling, Attention autism